When I received my Baker's Edge, I was surprised by its solid construction. The pan is cast aluminum (about 1/8-in. or 3 mm thick) and weighs 2-1/2 pounds (1.15 kg). The interior finish has a non-stick coating while the exterior is unpolished. The rough exterior makes the pan easy to grip even with oven mitts or pot holders. On top of that, the handle positioning is excellent - they two hand holds are placed about halfway down the side of the pan, so you can easily flip the pan over without rapping your knuckles. The interior walls are placed about 2-1/2 inches (6.3 cm) apart. Due to the slight cant of the side walls, this means the minimum width of the channels are about 2 inches wide. An inflexible red spatula (exactly the right size for the channels) was provided with the Baker's Edge.
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The brownies from the 9x13 pan were thinner than the ones made in the Baker's Edge (because the pan has a slightly larger volume) and that may have contributed to its faster cooking time. In addition, the light aluminum sheet used on the 9x13 pan probably allowed it to heat up faster than the Baker's Edge. Both brownies did not pop out of the pans when inverted, so I had to go in with spatulas to dig them out. (Usually, I prepare brownies in a 9x13 by first lining it with a sheet of parchment paper, so I can easily lift them out without ruining the shiny crust that forms on the surface of the brownies and without having to dig out a piece from the pan first.) Once a piece had been removed from each pan, it was easy to cut square brownies and scoop them out. The non-stick coating on the Baker's Edge didn't release the soft brownies perfectly but did do a better job than the other non-stick pan. (Both washed out easily and cleanly with soapy water - which is a great reason for getting non-stick. The Baker's Secret shouldn't be run through the dishwasher, but clean up was so easy, it wasn't an issue.)
Each of the brownies from the Baker's Edge did indeed have chewy edges - two of them (and sometimes three) in fact. It was almost like every piece was a corner piece from the standard pan. Therein laid a problem I hadn't considered. I had tasters that liked brownies with edges and tasters that liked brownies that didn't have any chewy edges but were soft and moist throughout. With the regular pan, I had corner pieces, edge pieces, and center pieces (although there are always more than four people who want corner pieces and not enough edge pieces). For the edge lovers, the brownies from the Baker's Edge were perfect - chewy edges surrounding a moist chocolate brownie. For the center lovers, the brownies were good, but they much preferred the texture of the brownies from the 9x13 pan.
On one of the later batches, I baked the brownies with the Baker's Edge but took them out of the oven earlier. This resulted in a consistent texture throughout - the edges hadn't yet gotten chewy and the whole brownie was how the center lovers liked it. Unfortunately, I didn't really have any edge pieces.
The pan works extremely well if you like chewy edges to your brownies (and other baked goods). If you don't like chewy edges, a bit of recipe time adjustment results in even baking. The only real downside to this pan that I could see was getting that first piece out. Even after several trials, I just couldn't do it without completely destroying that first piece.
For this test, I didn't try them, but the Baker's Edge also recommends breads, rolls, potatoes, casseroles, and more. The instructions came with recipes for brownies, banana bread, lasagna, cookie bars, and a breakfast casserole to get you going.
The Baker's Edge is available through Amazon.com. You can find additional information about the Baker's Edge by visiting http://www.bakersedge.com/.}?>
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If you like "edges" just fill up two baking tins in stead of one with the same quantiity of dough.
For those who prefer eating on the edge, another option to this admittedly nice pan is to use a cupcake pan. Each piece will be largely edges. Cooking time may have to be adjusted, however.
Anyone feel like trying this method?
I've never used them for brownies, but I would try a silicone bake pan. Cakes and breads won't crust and brown in them, so I believe this would be the closest thing to an "edgeless" pan for brownies. Just make sure to bring it into and out of the oven using a pizza paddle because those pans have a tendency to flex and either crack or spill what's in them.
Use parchment paper to easily get out the first piece. Cut a piece about 4 x 8 and tuck it into the pan with the ends sticking up. Add batter & bake. Then make sure your first piece is the lined section, and lift out the chocolately goodness intact.
Note - use nonstick everything (or a silicon one), or you'll be digging them out with toothpicks. We stick a toothpick in at an edge, and the turn the brownie around in the well before taking them out so we don't end up with half a brownie stuck in there (we don't use nonstick pans, though we probably should).
And no I don't work for the company. I just think you didn't master this awesome device. Works perfectly for me.
Lover of the Edges (mix of chewy, more carmalized, browned and complex deliciousness)
My aunt bought this for pan for me for Christmas and I now use it any time I make brownies. I find it easier to have an even cooking through out the whole pan then when using a normal 9x13 pan.
But whether brownies are baked with a normal pan or a special pan like this, I love brownies no matter what :D
I've never known anyone who liked the edges, but, clearly, there are lots of crunchy edge lovers around.
However, I have thought about using this for mac and cheese, or polenta casseroles, things of that type, where even I like the crunchy edges. How do you think that would work? Is it deep enough for that to be feasible? Or are the dividing walls too low?
I do brownies in a long rectangle . . . more edges....