According to Kellogg's, an employee by the name of Mildred Day concocted the snack as a treat for a Camp Fire Girls fundraiser. The recipe was first published in 1941 and has been such a success that Kellogg's has been selling a premade version of Rice Krispies Treats for the last ten years. Although many crisped and puffed cereal snacks have been popular prior to the Kellogg's recipe, the Rice Krispies Treats formula's genius is in its simplicity.
Only three ingredients make the basic Rice Krispies Treats recipe: 6 cups of Kellogg's Rice Krispies cereal, 10 ounces of marshmallows, and 3 tablespoons butter. If Rice Krispies aren't available where you are, crisped rice (or for that matter any puffed cereal) can be substituted. Are you even allowed to call them Rice Krispies Treats if they don't contain Rice Krispies cereal? I wrote to Kellogg's and didn't get a clear answer. They did tell me the following:
The Rice Krispies Treats? recipe is trademarked by Kellogg Company and is not available for use by the public. Therefore, we can not grantpermission to use this name. As with any recipe you make, it can be used as you want. However, you would have to use a generic name such as rice crisp cereal bars should you decide to sell them.
Even though I don't plan to ever sell puffed rice treats, for the purposes of this article, I will refer to these snacks as crisped rice treats and only call the unmodified recipies Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats.

If you're bored with Rice Krispies Treats, try the same recipe with regular Cherrios or another puffed grain cereal.
Kellogg's® Rice Krispies Treats® (yields 24 squares)
3 Tbs. (43 g) butter | melt | stir until melted | stir until coated | press into 13x9-in. pan | cool | cut |
10 oz. (280 g) marshmallows | ||||||
6 cups (160 g) Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal |
Kellogg's® Rice Krispies Treats® - Microwave Method
3 Tbs. (43 g) butter | microwave on high 2 min. | stir | microwave on high 1 min. | stir until smooth | stir until coated | press into 13x9-in. pan | cool | cut |
10 oz. (280 g) marshmallows | ||||||||
6 cups (160 g) Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal |
Chocolate Crisped Rice Treats (yields 24 squares)
3 Tbs. (43 g) butter | melt | stir until melted | stir until coated | stir in | press into 13x9-in. pan | cool | cut |
10 oz. (280 g) marshmallows | |||||||
6 cups (160 g) puffed rice | |||||||
1/2 cup (85 g) chocolate chips |
Raisin Crisped Rice Treats (yields 24 squares)
3 Tbs. (43 g) butter | melt | stir until melted | stir until coated | stir in | press into 13x9-in. pan | cool | cut |
10 oz. (280 g) marshmallows | |||||||
6 cups (160 g) puffed rice | |||||||
1/2 cup (80 g) raisins |
They have some deal on their recipe over here.... I think they own the name? So I would be suprised if it wasnt the same in America.
Looks like I have an experiment for this weekend.
The pictures show the variation with chocolate added to the treats.
I remember taking these out of the dining commons at Berkeley--the real problem was that they'd always stick to the napkin I'd smuggle them out in. The answer--butter the napkin.
Good times. =)
I briefly addressed this subject in the Bacon Test (Part I) article:
By the way, a food-safe vs. microwave-safe vs. other use plastics article is on my to-do list.
The "I don't know" in the quoted passage was refering to the potential dioxin release from microwaving food on paper towels (e.g. bacon). Microwaving food on or in microwave-safe (not just food-safe) plastics is dioxin free.
The FDA article for plastics and microwaving is here.
And please stop with the dioxin nonsense. The rates of cancer are not rising... our life expectancies are rising like crazy, and cancer is a disease of older age. Dioxin, as Victor Yushenko can tell you, causes some horrible skin symptoms, but really does not kill you. If indeed plastics were to blame for a horrible death rate, none of us born since the 1940s would have lived to be 50. Have you read the papers lately to see how many 100-year-olds are still around?
Please continue to use plastics. They are responsible for lengthening our life expectancies and provide for a much higher quality of life than any of our ancestors could even have imagined.
Thanks kd,
You are correct. Puffed rice is very different and I have updated the article now to correct this error.
Microwave, and serve over ice cream.
In response to the inquiries about marshmallow challenged environs, I have posted a new article on making marshmallows at home (without egg whites in case there is an egg safety issue in your location).
We used to call them marshmallow crispies, sometime even if we used Rice Krispies.
RE: the comment about Mars bars
In the US, Mars bars are a chocolate-covered almond nougat bar. I believe they are something different in other countries.
Thanks for the great recipe!
In general, about four cups. This is dependant on your marshmallow manufacturer though, so check the label on the bag.
I have recently discovered from my wife that this sort of recipe is actually an old Chinese (Taiwanese) royal delicacy from hundreds of years ago - pre-Kellogs, but still using some puffed crisped rice as the base with a syrupy mixture to bind them.
They also flavour it with brow sugar, taro, or even green tea (yuck!)
Heat the Marshmallows on [u:b849c0984c]very low heat [/u:b849c0984c] stirring constantly (to speed the process) until they just melt. I promise this will result in treats that stay fresh longer. It sounds like many of the commenters above are cooking the marshmallows too long, which leads to problems.
Also, I use the parchment paper method as above, but I also lay a second sheet over the top when I spread the mix out in the pan. Then I roll it very gently with a rolling pin. If you like uniformely sized treats, this is the way to go.
1 cup white sugar
1 cup white karo (corn) syrup
1 cup peanut butter
6 cups Rice Krispies
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup butterscotch chips
Mix sugar and karo syrup together and bring to a boil. Stir in peanut butter. Mix in Rice Krispies. Press in cookie sheet. Melt the chips and spread over top.
lol lol lol lol
Your gay1
I roast nuts in the oven all the time. When I do pecans, I take a 3 pound bag and empty it into a large roasting pan. It doesn't matter if the nuts are not one layer thick in the pan. Keep it in a 225 degree F oven for two to two and a half hours. The pecans will be completely dessicated and have a deliciously light and crunchy texture. Because the temperature is only 225, the pecans will stay an off-white color inside when you bite into them, rather than turning brown, which is definitely likely if you roast them at 300-325F "until aromatic." Plus, they may not all roast evenly at that temperature.
NOTE: other nuts will require different times and temperatures. Almonds for example will take about three hours at 225F to reach the same degree of doneness because they are a heavier, denser nut. Make sure you use an oven thermometer.
Honey Butterscotch Crispies
- Makes 16 servings -
1 cup butterscotch chips
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup peanut butter
5 cups crispy rice cereal
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
In small pan, combine butterscotch chips, honey and peanut butter. Cook over medium heat stirring until chips and peanut butter are melted. In large bowl, combine cereal and butterscotch-honey mixture, toss to coat. Pour into greased 9x9-inch baking pan, press evenly. Sprinkly chocolate chips over top. Place under broiler and heat until chips are soft enough to spread. Spread chips evenly over top of cereal mixture. Cool completely, then cut into squares.
she would love a fairy castle shaped cake, hahaha, can crispie squares be cut and shaped like using building blocks?? getting desperate here :unsure: any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!!
ps:my d is allergic to choc, nuts, eggs, additives, and artificial colourings so none of that can go into it, thanks!! p :)
I'm gonna try the rice crispy and marshmallows later, but one question, when we add the rice crispy we turn off the heat or we keep it on? thanks
You can leave it on or turn it off. If you do leave it on, just keep it on low to help keep the marshmallow flowing as you mix in the rice crispies. More often than not, I turn off the heat and mix in the rice crispies before it cools enough to become difficult to mix.
Don't heat the marshmallows until they are completely melted - add the cereal just before they lose their individual shapes, and they will be dispersed among the bars. With enough corn syrup and a little peanut butter, the cereal will still adhere enough to form bars. Remember, marshmallows are almost pure sugar plus elasticizer.
10 oz = 283 g = about 40 full-sized marshmallows
Hope this is helpful.
I live in Mexico, and we can?t find plain rice krispies here. I use choco krispies. I also use plastic molds (for popsicle making) in the shape of hearts. I decorate them with melted white o red chocolate. They?re great for valentine?s day.
This is in response to the above posted comment, I am presently in mexico, df. There is a store here called Waldo´s, who knows really the parent company, but they are basically a dollar store in the states, everything is 11.30 pesos. Anyway, they have Rice Crispy Cereal, plain, I havent tried it yet, am about to make it this afternoon. Anyway if you are in mex and looking for that, there it is..... hope it helps....
Aug 28, 2006 at 6:23 PM, pipora (guest)
she would love a fairy castle shaped cake, hahaha, can crispie squares be cut and shaped like using building blocks?? getting desperate here any advice
When I was in college back in the mid *cough*hrrghh*ies, we (friends and roomies) bought a large stock-pot solely for making GINORMOUS batches of this stuff. We'd make miniature eiffel towers, liberty statues, reproduction Rodins and Lachaises you name it. Even with the big pot, sometimes we'd make multiple batches - like 12 to 16 boxes of Krispies, Kept a serrated knife handy and for the next couple days, everybody would whack off a small piece ("body parts" were everybody's fave of course) "en passant" or en route to class or whatever.
Okay, sure, we did, um,that is, er, well, get cooked before doing the cooking. Hey it was the 70's.... [/b][/i]
i want to try using cool aid to flavor crispys. less bulk to incorporate into the mix, and all you really want is the flavor, anyway. theres no need for the gelatin. hmmm.
for jello flavored crispys- i just used a small box (3oz? i'm not sure.) and mixed it into the melted butter/marshmallows. it took a bit of mixing for it to dissolve all the way, but they turned out fine. i would add an extra tblsp of butter though- i think the jello makes them harden up more.
i tried with pudding jello and it did not turn out well. recently, i saw a recipe that used only 3 tblsp of the dry pudding. i'm going to try it- i used the whole box before and it was icky. pistachio crispies, here i come!!! :)
my favorite recipe-
Almond Joy Crispys
1/4c stick butter/margarine
6c marshmallows (i use the small ones- i think they melt faster)
5c crispies
1c sweetened grated dried coconut (standard coconut in bags in the US)
1/2c almond slivers/pieces/slices/whatever
1c chocolate chips
Optional- 1tsp each- coconut and almond flavor/extract
microwave the butter and marshmallows for about 1 min. in a good sized bowl. stir. microwave for another 30-90sec., depending on your microwave, until melted. (i've noticed it is not required to melt the marshmallows completely- they will finish melting as you stir everything together. it is also not important for your butter and your marshmallows to be completely mixed together - a homogenous mix is not needed here- just stir them up a bit. don't get uptight about it.)
Add everything else and mix.
place in a greased pan and pat even with wet hands.
Variation- instead of adding the chocolate chips to everything, melt them and spread them ontop like icing. oooh. fancy. :)
My wife used to work in the bakery at a University. One of her duties was to make the trreats extra gooy and sticky to discourage students from smuggleing extra portions out of the cafeteria. I did enjoy your solution to the problem. :lol:
The episode was called Power Trip.
i wanna make this, but the recipe i have is different *shrug*
it says...
1/4 cup margerine/butter {i believe this is unsalted}
16oz marshmallows
6 cups of rice crispies
1)melt margerine/butter in a large saucepan over low heat
2)add marshmallows and stir constantly till it melts conpletely
3)remove from heat, add rice cereal untill well coated. stir constantly.
4)press mixture into a pan, cut into shapes when cool.
i've not tried it yet, i don't know whether it's good or not... but yea.
maybe you could try too.[/color:498b0d1135]
Another tip - butter the spoon and spatula, otherwise the marshmallows will make everything stick like crazy!
But I want to result to not be sickly sweet.
So the solution with these ones would be to slowly melt them and slowly cool them, maybe adding a few tablespoons of melted vegetable shortening or any tasteless oil (vegetable oil would be a good choice), to help stop it from being so brittle when it cooled.
Anyway, that's what I would do.
Does any one know how long marshmallow rice krispy cakes last? (
I am making a load of them for an event and was wondering how far in advance I could make them... asuming i can resist the temptation of gobbling them all up... seriously does any one know...please help !
I'm going to a cookout and I wanted to do something new, and I was searching for different variations. I've seen some people say to add raisins, and one person say dried cranberries. I just now had the idea to add dried cranberries & white chocolate chips! I'll let yall know how it goes, but I think it's going to be pretty good!!!! For some reason I'm not in a chocolate/caramel mood. Plus the person hosting the party isn't allowed to eat milk or dark chocolate, only white chocolate (some weird allergy), so I think it would be a good gesture to the host.
Sorry for that missing detail. You can remove the pot from the heat once the marshmallows have melted and you're about to stir in the rice krispies.
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of Vanilla essence and spreadevenly over pizza bases. Top with fresh or canned fruit, eg. thin pineapple slices, sliced strawberries, Mandarin segments etc. Finish with a fruit glaze. Belissimo!
I never made these before but want to bring them to a Halloween party. How can I make them into popsicles? Do I wait until they'll cool before I cut them into shapes? I'm not sure if I'm going to use a cookie cutter. At what point should I add the stick? I also thought about dipping them into tinted white chocolate.
Thanks! :)
What exactly is the nature of the problem?
I was looking for guidance to add cranberries to the RCT's. After chopping the dried berries, I think I'll try adding them to the butter first and then the 'marshmellows'. I'm hoping for pink treats. I'll let you know!
Next time I am going to try the 'pinwheel' method suggested above: rolling the treats flat and then rolling them up with choco chips. That really is the best idea since sliced bread!
Add 1/2 cup coarsely chopped dried cranberries to melted butter and stir about a minute.
Add marshmellows, etc
The tangy flavor from the berries is released into the butter which then makes the end result something light and refreshing.
Alas, they do not turn pink by this method alone.
Thanks again!
Also the box recipe calls for 1/4 cup butter but they are much better with 1/2 cup.
:D :D :D
and frozen them all. I just tried one.........Very Good, cold, but chewy s :huh: till because it really doesn't freeze solid. I like rice krispy treats but not for the fact that they only last two days in an air tight container. Has anyone else froze the treats??[/b:eb0adabc55]
I just used jet puff marshmellow for the krispy squares. The jar is more than the required marshmellow recipe though. I used all of the 13 oz. jar and added 1/2 c. of butter to melt together, then added 6-7 cups of rice krispies...............gotta try to find out!!
Reading these comments, with a few exceptions, has been highly entertaining and will result in some new ideas for an old favourite. Really like the idea of the pinwheels and the pizzas!
The best version of these that I made was when I stirred in a spoonful of Penzey's Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon just before mixing the goo with the cereal; absolutely divine.
Ok, first thing is, I made the marshmallow from scratch based on your recipe also, thanks to that, because I couldn't find plain marshmallows nearby, only found those with flavored. Somehow my electric mixer malfunctioned, so since I wanted to do it so much, I mixed it myself using wooden spatula and whisker. Later, after mixing it for about an hour till it turned fluffy, which I am not sure it's fluffy enough, I started doing my krispies treats recipe by heating the butter and added my already melted marshmallow.
Anyways, after I added the rice krispies, it was crispy at first, but later after I put it inside the tray, it turned out to be a bit chunky, chewy and took a lof of effort to chew. What's wrong with it? Is it because of the marshmallow? Do I need to leave the marshmallow to harden first before I use it for the krispies, and then melted it with butter or, is it because I added the rice krispies inside a hot bowl? Help!
I try to read every comment posted, but the decision to delete a comment is a difficult one. My preference is to leave comments posted up so long as it is not blatant spam, link baiting, or exceptionally hateful. I'd like people to think that I'm not acting as a filter or censor.
For Christmas do the same with cornflakes and green food coloring. Shape into wreaths or drop from a teaspoon to look like holly. Add red cinnamon candies to each for berries. People love them but have no idea what they are. Fun to see their reactions when told.
Does anyone have ideas?????
One of my gifted friends uses candy corn in the crispies. They taste really good.
Thanks so much for this website and for sharing your recipes. I'm anxious to try them.
Every one loves rice crispy squares. Unfortunately, I can't have them anymore, because I've become diabetic and they have a ton of sugar in them. But I still make them for my sons ocasionally.
I have a tip for making these. One thing I've found that helps is lightly spraying my hands with non-stick cooking spray, such as Pam, and then the rice crispy mixture won't stick to my hands as I press them down in the pan. A person could even spray a bit on wax paper or on the spatula in order to make them spread out easier without all the stickiness. :-)
Thanks again,
P.S. she does not like peanut butter
I made them yesterday from a box of cereal bought the same day and the recipe called for 3 Tbsp. butter, yet most online versions call for 4 Tbsp. They seemed to get real hard, real fast, so I'm assuming the reduced butter contributes to it. Microwaving for about 30 seconds on half power made them instantly soft again.
I usually buy them from the local grocery store and the ones they sell remain at a fairly consistent softness with nominal sealing. It's a "better" grocery and they are made in their in-house bakery, so I don't think there's too many space-age food chemicals.
I'm tempted to add in about 4-6 Tbsp. granulated lecithin to a batch to see if it will emulsify the butter with the marshmallows a little better.
chips, and put them into two smaller sqare pans since I didn't have
a large one. (I also used the store brand crispy rice, was half the price, and tastes great to me).
Thank you , I remember these from the 1970s also. Cool.
I've since made two more batches using the traditional recipe of 4 Tbsp butter and have found they keep their softness a lot longer (they don't stay around the house more than a day or two).
Still haven't thrown any lecithin in, don't think its necessary with the right amount of butter.
When I wrote the article, I didn't bother turning off the heat until I picked up the pot to pour/scoop its contents into the pan to shape and set. The last several times I've made the recipe, I did turn off the heat once the marshmallows were melted.
3 Tablespoons butter
4 Tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 cup chocolate (chips, chunks, candy bar pieces, etc.)
1 cup chopped nuts. Any type will do.
10 oz. marshmallows
6 cups puffed rice cereal
TRANSFER FUNCTION: (It's for engineers, right?!?)
In a large (preferably non-stick) pot, warming on the lowest stove top heat setting, place the butter. Wait for it to melt. Add the peanut butter and mix them together (convolve). When mixed, convolve chocolate. When mixed, convolve nuts. When mixed, convolve marshmallows. When melted, convolve cereal. Put in wax paper-lined baking pan. Cool to room temperature, cut, and eat.
Protein-enriched, choco-peanutbutter rice treats.
If you want to help out, visit my Web site and buy a copy of my non-cooking-related novel. Yes, I have too much free time. -W
the above is a blatant advertising post for a diet book.
before you invest, go to any authority of your choice and search the author or "miracle drug"
note that the US FDA does not regulate dietary supplements or snake oil, so it's strictly buyer beware.
The book, Ascendiac, referenced above is a NOVEL. It's a MADE UP STORY for entertainment purposes only. There's absolutely NOTHING in it about how to diet, diet plans, or anything else. It's fiction, pure and simple.
Sorry, that should read 6 cups TOASTED rice cereal (Rice Krispies-esque), not puffed rice.
So much for trying to avoid registered trademarks....
All the food was well-received, but some of the international students asked if using breakfast foods was a tradition for Christmas in the US. . . Maybe it is?
My favorite variation on the basic recipe is to throw in a small handful of oatmeal with the cereal -- more flavor and the texture is still good.
It has an ingrediant left out these days, but my mom always made them this way. She also used some extra butter. ;-)
I have a full page add with Howdy Doody advertising
Kellogg's 9 Minute marshmallow crispie squares
1/4 cup of butter or margarine
1/2 pound of marshmallows(about 2 1/2 dozen)
5 cups of Kellogg's rice crispies
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring.
That vanilla adds just the right touch.
BTW, I am 56 and they are STILL my favorite food! ;-)
I know this is really late but I've used coconut oil in place of butter with good results. Of course they taste a bit like coconut but thats a plus for us.
When the stuff is either overmixed or too much cereal it's hard, flavorless, and the color is wrong.
1 cup peanut butter (I use crunchy, but it's up to you)
1 cup sugar (white sugar is fine, brown sugar is fine)
1 cup honey
6 cups Rice Crispies
Combine the peanut butter, sugar, and honey. Cook just until the sugar has melted (you might see a couple of bubbles). Microwave or cooktop is fine. DON'T boil this mixture. If you do, the resulting treats will be rock hard.
Mix in the cereal, as quickly as you can. Spread in a 9 inch by 13 inch pan (I line with waxed paper and butter the waxed paper).
Optional: melt about 6 ounces of chocolate chips and spread on top.
I've been making crisped cereal treats for many years and some comments are:
-- Ratios of cereal, butter/oil/margarine, and marshmallows are not critical. You end up with a tasty, edible treat regardless. The result just varies the texture (gooey-ness, chewiness, crispness), a bit on the flavor (more or less marshmallow-ey) and minimally on enjoyment.
-- The marshmallow goo is a binder for whatever (you want to hold together. Experimenting is a fun parent/child activity. It exposes the kids to cooking as a fun experience and makes great teaching moments (energy, heat capacity, heat transfer rates, chemistry, humidity, phase changes, etc.)
-- Substituting stick margarine for butter gives a crunchier treat.
-- As with all candies, the temperature of the sugar mix significantly affects the final product. Heating the mixture longer (driving out more water) results in crisper (harder) treats. Not bringing it to a full melt gives a more gooey, chewey treat. My preference is to turn off the heat just as there are some marshmallows with a bare hint of being distinct objects. (I use small marshmallows.)
-- As noted in the toffee recipe comments, for any sugar mix, humidity is a factor. This recipe is much less sensitive than others. In more humid conditions, consider driving out a bit more moisture from your marshmallow mix before adding the cereal to counter the humidity effects. I usually don't worry about it since I'm not worried about texture and long term storage. I'm lucky if there are any treats remaining after a couple hours (I have teenage sons and their friends foraging in the wife calls them "the hordes" based on the similarity to hordes of locusts).
-- Smaller marshmallows work better for me since they don't take as long to heat through to the center. I tend to get crunchier treats when I use large marshmallows because the majority of the mix has been rising in temperature while I'm waiting for the centers of the large marshmallows to melt.
-- Always use a lower heat and be patient! It is very easy to burn the bottom while waiting for heat to transfer into the marshmallow centers. (The entrapped air acts as an insulator...think neoprene wet suits, Styrofoam coolers, double-pane windows, etc.)
-- Gas heat is definitely better (in my experience) for recipes that are sensitive to burning. Hot spots from electric coils are a pain to compensate for. I have not tried induction or the other methods of uniform heating, but expect them to be less prone to burned areas.
-- If you don't have gas, remove the pan from the heating element as soon as you turn off the heat. The stored energy in the element will continue the heating long after you think it should.
-- For easier clean up (I'm lazy), skip the pan for spreading the treat into. I put wax paper directly on the counter and dump the mix onto this. I pat with my bare hand. (Adding the cereal just as the marshmallows are barely melted gives me a mix that is not hot enough to be uncomfortable. Use caution and good judgment to develop your process.) Clean up involves nibbling stuck mixture from my hand, rinsing out the pot after soaking the it and the wooden spoon for 20 minutes in cold water (shorter for warm water) and stuffing the pot, spoon, and measuring utensils into the dishwasher.
-- Most any cereal will work as a filler. Crunchy cereals, harder treats, or if I eat a lot at once, seems to abrade the roof of my mouth.
-- Patting the treats to be about 25 mm (1 inch) thick is much easier for cutting and more comfortable eating (less prone to abrade against the roof of your mouth when biting a bit off).
-- Honey Nut Cheerios (tm) are my favorite substitute if I'm doing an alternate cereal.
Also, I just discovered when buying the chips that they lost an ounce. They used to be 12 oz and now they are 11 oz. Will that be a problem?
Absolute hit!
Has anyone tried making treats with just white sugar, corn syrup, butter and vanilla? I could just bravely forge ahead and conduct this dangerous experiment on my own, but just wanted some input.
thanks all-
The taste and texture are a bit different. The syrup is a clear one and less viscous than the marshmallow mixture. The treats seem a bit sweeter than the regular recipe; I may add some salt in the next batch.
Works great if you have no marshmallows and don't want to leave the house.
I have to agree that Chocolate Crackles are THE BEST way to eat Rice Bubbles (rice crispies as you guys call them), and the second best way is Mars Bar Slice - hmm, might just have to go and buy some Mars Bars so I can make some. . . . .
Sadly it seems there have been no new additions for 2013
So let me add what has become our annual yule log.
Make one batch following standard recipe. Pour mixture on to a well sprayed oven liner pan. With greased hands press this mixture out to the thinly covering all corners of the liner.
Make a second batch and just before adding cereal add 4 Tbs of cherry gelatin mix (we find that Jell-O brand works best). Mix this powder until the marshmallow/butter mix is a bright red. Add cereal mix well. Pour/spread this mixture on top of the first batch waiting in the oven liner.
Wait a few minutes or until the two layers begin to firm up but are not yet firm. Then begin to roll from the short edge, just as you would making a jelly roll.
While the roll sets up melt chocolate flavored almond bark, use your preferred method melting being careful not to scorch. Once the chocolate almond bark is in a thick liquid state you are almost ready to ready to pour.
At this point you could be neat and slice the uneven ends from the roll, it makes for a nicer looking log.
As you pour the chocolate almond bark over the roll be sure to cover fully and evenly.
Wait for chocolate almond bark to harden before slicing.