Garlic bread can be a great addition to you dinner. These days, it seems easiest to just go to the local supermarket and pick up a loaf of garlic bread. However, the last time I checked out the ingredient list of my local supermarket chain's garlic bread, one of the primary ingredients was partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Why eat the supermarket stuff when it's so easy to convert a plain loaf of bread into garlicky goodness?
This recipe works on a 16 oz. loaf of bread (the most common size sold in stores in my area). I find that a thin baguette (or ficelle) is too narrow for the garlic bread to be really satisfying. Using a typical artisan baguette or a batard works best.
This recipe goes pretty quick, so before assembling the ingredients you may want to start preheating the oven to 350°F (175°C).
Gather up a loaf of French bread, 1/2 cup (55 g) grated mozzarella cheese, 1/4 cup (25 g) grated parmesan cheese, 2 cloves garlic, and 2 Tbs. butter.
Either press the garlic cloves through a garlic press and then finely mince unto a pulp or grate the garlic cloves with a Microplane zester. For a milder garlic flavor, microwave the garlic for thirty seconds or more. Mash the garlic into the butter. If the butter is too cold to mash easily, microwave the butter for ten seconds and try again. Mix the garlic and butter together well.
Slice the bread in half along its length.
Spread the butter and garlic mixture onto both cut sides of the bread. There should be just enough of the garlic butter to form a thin layer.
Place the two loaves on a sheet pan. Sprinkle the parmesan cheese evenly over both halves of the loaf. Sprinkle the mozzarella over the parmesan.
Slide the pan into the oven and bake for 20 minutes. The cheese should have melted and just begun to brown lightly.
Remove from the oven and let rest for a few minutes before cutting. Cut each half into about a dozen pieces.
For a variation, dried herbs can be added to the bread before baking. Or try it without cheese for a lighter taste.}?>
Parmesan Garlic Bread (serves
Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C) |
1 loaf french bread | cut in half lengthwise | spread evenly | sprinkle evenly | sprinkle evenly | bake 350°F (175°C) 20 min. |
2 cloves garlic | grate or press into pulp | microwave (optional) | mash |
2 Tbs. (30 g) butter | |
1/4 cup (25 g) grated parmesan cheese | |
1/2 cup (55 g) grated mozarella cheese | |
Side-bar I have had garlic bread made from a multi-grain loaf and it tastes great. Not traditional, but great. I favor hardy flavorful breads that some may feel fight the taste of the garlic and butter. It is worth a try.
After cutting the bread, I toast it very lightly. After adding the garlic butter, I toast it. And finally, after adding the cheese, I toast one last time.
It's a lot of in and out of the oven, but I find that with these extra toastings I get a garlic bread that is more crispy, and definitely not soggy. =)
Do try roasted garlic for garlic bread. I think the flavor is much better.
Another neat twist on garlic bread is to make little bite-sized balls of pizza dough, bake them, and then toss them in a wok with hot garlic oil, tons of crushed garlic, and some oregano.
disclaimer: i am a total garlic junkie.
i use a loaf of italian bread, (same stuff) a stick of butter, a head of garlic.
slice the bread into top and bottom halves.
peel, then mince the garlic with a very sharp knife. lay the knife on top of it and press hard with other hand.
slice the butter thinly and lay on the bread. use it all.
distribute the garlic on top of the butter and bread. use it all.
sprinkle some oregano on it if you want to. i love oregano too.
bake at 350° until edges are browned and crispy.
slice each loaf half into 8-12 slices.
if making it for a group, make sure you grap a piece as you bring it out, or there won't be any left!
a little romano cheese sprinkled on is great too!
(Grated cheese and some finely shopped spring onions added would also not go amiss - but not really traditional nor needed).
Then the bread is wrapped tightly in tinfoil (alluminum foil?) and put into a preheated oven (180 C) until totally heated through. The foil is then opened at the top and bread left in hot oven for a bit longer so that the top can get crispy.
Alternatively, the wrapped bread can be put on the braai (barbeque).
You can then slice through the bottom for individual servings (usually 3 - 4 slices- at least!), or do as we mostly do, which is to just tear off pieces by hand, as fast as you can.
I hope some of you will try this, it is really very good (although the other recipes above also sound great).
i kind of made mine using english muffins
and i added a bit of fried bacon,
to make it taste nicer...
i also used the microwave instead.
it still came out nice though...
it came out great, just divine :shock: 8|
my whole family loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for catching that. I fixed it.