The giveaway has officially started. All comments from registered users* after this one and before the one I post that ends the contest will be eligible to win the Thermoworks bundle!
*who live in the United States or Canada
I've been a fan of the site for a long time and would be especially interested in reading more articles on Sous Vide preparation. Thanks.
Thanks for all the detailed product intro! Have gotten a thermapen based on your recommendation and loved it so far :)
Hi Michael,
Congrats on the new addition to the family!
I've been reading CfE for nearly ten years (the first entry in my Thunderbird RSS feed archive is dated June 8, 2004). Time flies!
What would I like to see you write about? More equipment reviews. More of your Dining Out series.
I purchased a Thermapen as soon as I read your thermometer comparison test back in '05. I also purchased a couple of Kyocera ceramic knives based on Jordon's review in '11.
The Dining Out series is great because I know I'll almost certainly never have to opportunity to visit those places myself and it's great to experience it through your eyes.
TimeStick sounds handy.
Hey, I've got a question about IR thermometers. If I'm heating oil in a black cast iron pan, is the IR going to measure the temp of the oil, or the bottom of the pan?
In my experience, the IR thermometer measures the temperature of the surface of the oil on the pan. It doesn't "see" through the oil. It also appears to measure the temperature of the glass when I aim it through a window. Of course, the emissivity values are different for these materials, so if you don't have an IR thermometer with a programmable emissivity coefficient, the calculated temperature will be off.
I feel pretty comfortable flying by the seat of my pants when it comes to cooking everyday meals, but I'd love to see more from you breaking down baking recipes - exact measurements and techniques for success every time.
I also would be interested in seeing more Sous Vide recipes. I have read your introductory pieces and found them very informing. Thanx
I'd love to see you some pizza recipes or some Mexican dishes.
I've been a long time reader of Cooking for Engineers. I have always appreciated the methodical approach to cooking and the recipe files are what keep me coming back.
I'd like to see more recipes. In particular I'd be curious to see if you have more smoker recipes, in the spirit of Father's Day. A closer look at smokers would also be interesting.
I love this site. I learn so much. I'd love to see more things about interesting vegetables and fruits and how to integrate them into meals. I do a lot of shopping at international markets and farmers markets and am a sucker for trying fun things. They are just hard to use at times.
I really liked the article about the smoke points of the various fats and this is the type of article I would love to read in the future!
I would also like to read about the nitty-gritty of cooking deserts like crème brûlée, crème caramel, zabaione/zabaglione, etc.
Firstly, congratulations on your youngling. I hope she's a happy and drama-free baby.
I've been an off-and-on reader for many years. I've enjoyed your pieces and look forward to reading more of them, period. I wouldn't dare to suggest in which way to steer your interests as I've enjoyed many varied topics. Sounds like a cop-out, but it's true. "Let the artist .. do his or her art."
i'd like to see an article/update on the long term reliability of some of the stuff you've reviewed in the past!
I'd love to see an article on smoking meats indoors without setting off the smoke alarm. :D
I rarely cook with wood unless it's over a campfire. I'd love to see how to cook a great pizza in a wood-fired brick oven.
A friend gave me your Creme Brulee recipe and link. It turned out great!
I would like to know your top 3 chefs you like to go to for recipes (based on accuracy, taste, ease etc..). Also, which chefs you recommend to avoid.
Another long time on and off reader: would read any new articles, but I find that I refer most often to your equipment reviews/articles (very in-depth, definitely what I'm looking for).
Thanks, Michael.
I'm new here...but I'm glad I stumbled upon this site. Thank you so much for the giveaway. So, my husband is a stay-at-home dad and VERY analytical, he'll surely appreciate--eager to show him your blog! The recipes you post look great and easy to follow. I can't wait to try the scallops with red pepper sauce.
I have been an on-again/off-again reader for many years, as well. Also, my current digital thermometer is a POS, so this is a great contest for me....
My current interests are bread baking, classic sauce preparations, and southern cuisine. To that end, I'd love to see good recipes for shrimp & grits, brunswick stew, or country captain.
Hmm... Being from Canada, it's hard to get good quality consistent food typically found in the southern US. It would be great to have some recipes breaking down stuff like, fried chicken and bbq. I'll even be specific and say a good, proper bbq'd Brisket.
Love your articles. Thanks!
You come back with a bang - 3 great items to give away.
As far as subjects for writing:
1) your thoughts on/review of the cookbook "Ratio" by Ruhlman
2) making flavoured liqueurs
3) making clear ice
I love articles about BBQ and grilling. Also would love to read about charcuterie.
I do enjoy the recipes (particularly the faster to prepare dishes) but the kitchen notes section holds my attention the best.
Dear Guest:
you might want to check the instructions for entering the draw at the bottom of the first post.
as a "Guest" you do not qualify for entry.
In general, I am not a "foodie" at all, but I love my sous vide cooker for fixing non-time-sensitive quality meals. I vacuum-seal and freeze steak and chicken in marinade/sauce, and take a packet directly from the freezer to the sous-vide for dinner pretty frequently (I usually thicken up the marinade with a roux or cornstarch on the stove and serve it on the side - the kids don't like sauces, but my husband and I do). Occasionally chicken turns out mushy - why?
Could you write about how to make great cream puffs? Mine tend to fall after I remove them from the oven. Also, even with a stabilizer, my whipped cream doesn't hold up as long as the whipped cream from the bakery.
She spent many years working at non-profits (foregoing any retirement plans other than a meager 401K) to dedicate herself to these children often pushed aside.
She could use the TimeStick and/or ThermoPop in a variety of ways as she still works with this population as a volunteer. Timing of activities and counting responses within those activities greatly assists developing plans that work for the children instead of just coming up with plans at random!
Monitoring temps is also critical for preventing scalds. It would also assist in cooking activities as well as in working with daily living activity skill development!
Your site rules and is my go to for initial searches for my cooking activities (Ceramic Engineer now working in IT) - cooking gets my mind off work, a daily need so I do 99% of the cooking!
I would love some insight into cooking outdoors and recommendations for foodies while camping!
Dutch oven recipes/techniques? Over the fire methods? Things that store better/longer than others?
Lots of goodies in this giveaway!
Add me to those who'd like more posts on baking, with info on what must be precise to make a recipe work, and why. I love reading about the science behind a foam or a gel, and how that applies to a recipe.
Would like to read more about grilling tips and techniques. I also like the equipment reviews and would like to see more. Perhaps a 'kitchen essentials' article would be informative.
I'd like to see more recipes of easy weekday dinners...slow-cooker or casserole types might be fun. I'd even be able to use the TimeStick and ThermoPop if I cooked a roast in the slow-cooker. ;) Thanks for this opportunity!
I'd be interested in C4E reconstructing a recipe from the Hannibal TV Series, sans the human flesh of course.
Your equipment reviews are great -- I'm always glad to see one.
Or you could post on toddler-friendly meals :)
Any one of these amazing products would make an outstanding gift for the hard working cook in our family! Not only does he cook every day, but is constantly frustrated with the digital thermometer that we use! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this raffle!
I would agree with above posters that I like equipment articles, as I'm usually limited to the ingredients that I have on hand when I get to cooking.
Thanks for the Giveaway!
Thanks for posting this -- now I have a reasonably good idea of what I want and how much it'll cost. Actually, I expect to use the temperature probe mostly on my compost pile, but it might help me avoid over-cooking fish & poultry (which I tend to do rather too often, even after cooking for c. 70 years).
Don Fitch
My favorite cook would love these. Are there any women on this forum? Did I miss the Mothers day contest?
Just Kidding!!!
Having two contests run at the same time is dumb.
Having said that, I just discovered my beloved old electronic Taylor is reading about 9-12° higher than it should.
What are the chances it's the probe vs. the dinky timer, temp gauge itself?
Might have to buy one of them ThermThingamabobs myself.
I would love to just see more recipes. I love the precise, articulate way recipes are presented, and more of the same would be most appreciated!
Thanks for an awesome site!
I hope I'm not too late to the party...
I'd agree with several others. More equipment related posts.
This comment ends the giveaway. All comments submitted prior to this comment will be considered for the giveaway.
It'll take me a moment to sort some stuff out before I can do the drawing. Something went wrong and for some reason many comments were posted to the 2013 Thermapen contest. I'm going to merge the new comments from that contest into this one before generating the list of participants. Sorry for the technical mishap.
After removing two anonymous entries and repeat posts, I found 35 entries for this giveaway. Using, I generated a random number which was #5 and that was daephin!
Congratulations to deaphin, I'll be contacting you by email to get your preferred colors and mailing address.
Thanks everyone for the kind words and suggestions for where to take future articles. I've pulled up some articles I've been working on before and will try to finish at least one of them up in the near future.