A few more gift ideas can also be found in this Father's Day Gift Ideas article from 2007.
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For less than $20:

DVD ($13.49)
Although I normally love Amy Adams, I couldn't stand the Julie portions of this movie, but Meryl Streep as Julia Child is wonderful!
For less than $25:

Written with just a touch of humor and an easy to follow voice, Jeff Potter condenses everything you need to know about cooking into 400 pages.
For less than $50:

The new shrunken down version of The Big Fat Duck Cookbook ($157.50) has the same amazing art design, layout, and captivating writing that the original massive (altas sized) volume had, but with a much lighter price tag. This is one of the most beautiful cookbooks that I've ever seen. The Big Fat Duck Cookbook is also available for $157.50 (shown on right).
For less than $100:

IR thermometers, like this Fluke 62 Mini Infrared Thermometer ($89.95) are invaluable tools for those who want to learn more about how the cooking process works and to be able to gather enough data about surface temperatures to predict what will happen in the future (checking a heating pan, or checking the surface temperature of chocolate between bursts of heating in a microwave oven, or just measuring temperature without dirtying a probe or touching the food are all uses for this thermometer)
For less than $500:

This six-volume (2,400 pages) set is supposed to be the documentation of the sum total of human knowledge on the art and science of cooking. It keeps getting delayed though and might not be out by December 2010 as previously planned.
For less than $1000:

For the home cook who is serious about sous vide cooking (comes with a 20-qt stockpot and a 26 quart Camwear polycarbonate container through Jan 3, 2011)
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I remember some words about a cooking for engineers cookbook. Are you going to pick up this idea again sometime?
It would make a lovely present...
It would make a lovely present...
I'd love to devote some time to writing a book, but to do it right, I'll probably need to do it full time until it was done. Unfortunately, at this point, I just can't afford the time. I do plan on spending more time on Cooking For Engineers in 2011 than I did in 2010.