Perhaps there's no comfort food as comforting as a nice hot chicken pot pie. It's also a breeze to make. Chicken Pot Pie is composed of three recipes: the topping or crust (Pie Crust or
Biscuits), Creamed Chicken, and additional vegetables.
Since the topping can be anything fluffy or flaky (I like a basic rolled biscuit top), I won't cover this recipe here.
Let start with the creamed chicken. We'll need two cups chicken broth, 4 tablespoons of butter, 1/2 cup all purpose flour, 1-1/2 cup whole milk, 2 tablespoons sherry, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, lemon juice and white pepper.
Cube (or shred) previously cooked chicken (1-1/2 whole chicken breasts [3 breast halves] work well) into bite size pieces and place on side.
Melt butter in sauce pan or saucier over low heat.
Pour flour in, whisk for one minute, and remove from heat. Don't worry if it looks lumpy.
Add 2 cups chicken broth and whisk until smooth.
Add milk and whisk over medium heat until simmering. Remove from heat and scrape the sides of the saucepan with a heat-proof spatula. Whisk vigorously to break and chunks and return to medium heat for one more minute.
Turn off heat and mix in chicken & sherry until evenly distributed. Add lemon juice, nutmeg, salt and white pepper to taste.
Now that we have creamed chicken, prepare the ingredients for chicken pot pie: 2 tablespoons butter, 1 chopped medium onion, 1-1/2 cup chopped carrots, 1/4 cup chopped celery, 3/4 cup peas, 3 Tbs. minced fresh parsley. Peas and carrots can be be the frozen kind. Thaw in water and drain.
Melt butter in nonstick skillet over medium heat.
When butter is foaming, add onions, celery, and carrots and cook until tender, about five minutes.
Stir vegetables (including parley and peas) into creamed chicken and pour mixture into a 9x13-in. baking pan.
Now top with either pie crust or biscuit dough. I usually use biscuit dough because I like the fluffy texture.
After making biscuit dough, cut and layout all the biscuit pieces to cover the pot pie.
Using a pastry brush, brush beaten egg over the surface of the pot pie crust to give it a brown color after baking.
After baking for 25 to 35 minutes at 400°F, the crust should be golden brown and the chicken mixture should be bubbling. Your pot pie is now complete and ready to serve.}?>
Chicken Pot Pie (serves
Creamed Chicken
4 Tbs. butter | melt | combine over low heat | combine | bring to simmer | Scrape sides | cook one minute | mix in | season to taste |
1/2 cup all purpose flour | |
2 cups chicken broth | |
1-1/2 cups whole milk |
3 chicken breast halves, cooked | cube | |
2 Tbs. sherry | |
1/2 tsp. nutmeg |
lemon juice | |
white pepper |
salt |
Chicken Pot Pie
2 Tbs. butter | melt | saute | mix | pour into 9x13 pan | lay on top | bake at 400°F for 25 min. |
1 medium onion, chopped | |
1-1/2 cup carrots, chopped |
1/4 cup celery |
3/4 cup peas | |
3 Tbs. parsley, minced |
2-1/2 quarts creamed chicken |
2 cups crust dough | |
Copyright Michael Chu 2004
BTW, think this could be modified into a homey cream of chicken soup? Maybe with some more milk or broth?
- kitcat
To make a creamed chicken (for serving over noodles or rice), simply use 1/3 cup flour instead of 1/2 cup.
To make a cream of chicken soup, I would just add more milk. Probably another 1-1/2 cup to 2-1/2 cup depending on preference.
Next time, I will back off the nutmeg a bit and add a bit of garlic when I saute the vegetables. Otherwise very satisfactory. Perfect consistency on the cream sauce.
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Chicken Pot Pie is a Pennsylvania Dutch creation where squares of pie dough are added to a chicken broth consisting of cut up chicken, celery, potatoes, and carrots. Sometimes, a small amout of flour is used to thicken the soup, and vinegar is added for flavor.
It's quite delicious.
That being said, I will have to try your chicken pie recipe and report back.
the glorious "chicken pot pie" or (chicken and bisquits) is right up near the top of the list.
(assuming i could have some sort of access to peanut butter on the side.)
this recipe, is very close to what i have been cooking for years.
heed my advice:
* traditional Pennsylvania Dutch also fold the complete chicken pie recipe into one large fold of dough... very yummy and efficient.
* lumps in the gravy, in the early stages, is a good thing. just whisk them out.
* try baking/roasting your chicken, and cutting it into cubes rather than boiling and tearing it.
* add lots of black pepper to your recipe.
* keep it all on the thick side... you can always thin it down.
* pearl onions rock.
* don't forget the fresh herbs.
- Long live chicken/turkey pot pies!
Happy Holidays :D
I haven't yet implemented my computer-in-the-kitchen plan, and printouts would be too easy. So... I forgot the broth until after the milk, and probably added too much lemon juice. The cream part may or may not work.
Veggies were a random assortment of what I had in the kitchen - zucchini, yellow squash, onion, green onion, mushroom, tomato, sweet potato, spinach, mustard greens. Much black pepper added, along with paprika, red pepper, and a toss of generic 'pizza spice'.
Not really feeling like looking up the biscuit recipe, or digging up the one I used last time I made a pot-pie like item, I whipped up a batch of corn muffin mix. Prebaked a bottom crust to avoid goopy cornmealy bottom, and the top crust is more of a dribble of biscuit batter - should end up dumplingish.
Not quite true to the original recipe, but what the heck.
Thanks for that
1 rotisserie chicken
1 pkg prepared double pie crust rounds
1 can chicken stock
2 c fresh mushrooms
2 tbs parsley, chopped
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 c sour cream
1 c Texmati rice
1 sm onions, thinly sliced
4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
2 tbs fresh dill leaves, finely cut
2 tbs butter, softened
1 egg yolk, mixed with 2 tbs sour cream
Remove meat from the chicken into 1" pieces. Set aside.
In a skillet, sauté mushrooms in butter until soft. Add chicken, parsley, lemon juice, nutmeg, sour cream and chicken stock until moist but not soupy. Stir thoroughly, taste for seasoning, and set aside.
Cook rice with remaining chicken stock (dilute with water if necessary).
In a skillet, saute onions until soft and golden. Stir the onions into the rice, and toss until they are well mixed.
In a separate bowl, combine the eggs with the dill.
Preheat the oven to 400°F.
Spray medium-sized springform pan with no-stick baking spray. Line pan with one pastry round allowing allow excess dough to hang over edge of pan. Avoid overworking dough. Moisten dough as necessary to avoid tearing.
Spread 1/3 of the rice mixture on the bottom of the dish and cover with 1/2 of the chicken mixture.
Top the chicken with 1/2 the egg mixture and repeat the layers, ending with the last of the rice.
Use sour cream and yolk mixture to moisten edge of pastry. Cover Kurnik with second round, bend over edge and seal, trimming excess dough. Use fork or other tool to seal and decorate edge.
With a small, sharp knife, cut out a 1" circle from the middle of the dough.
Brush the crust with the sour cream and yolk mixture. Decorate crust with excess dough.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.
Reduce the temperature to 350F and bake for another 30-40 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown.
Serve with sour cream and winter vegetables (Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, etc.).
I also made the basic biscuit crust. So easy.
Good call! Good recipe! Flavorful gravy! I was going to omit the sherry, good thing I didn't, I think it gives it that little kick it needs. Thanks for the delicious recipe!
<p>One problem I had with the recipe was, the roux). The recipe calls for a half-stick of butter, and a half-cup of flour. The problem is, a roux is generally <i>equal amounts</i> of butter and flour. As I was making the recipe, I had melted the butter, and was gradually stirring flour, when I discovered half of my flour was left over, and the butter was completely used up. A quick check of the ingredients (and the label on the stick of butter) revealed that a half-stick of butter is 4 tablespoons, while a half-cup of flour is 8 tablespoons. To make a long story short, I added another half-stick of butter, whisked in the other half of the flour, and - <i>voilà</i> - no lumps!
<p>We "toyed with" the recipe while making it. Here are our "mods" to the recipe.
Its real simple if you have just roasted a chicken that day before. make sure you keep the gibblets and make a about 2 to 4 cups of chicken/vegitable stock buy simmering the gibblets, water, a whole onion, 2 pieces pf celery and a couple whole carrots and a quartered potato and a table spoon of oil. season with a 1/2 teaspoon thyme, salt and pepper, simmer for at least 3 hours.
When you roast the chicken ( i recommend that you stuff the chicken), make sure you can save the fat in the bottom of the pan. this is GOLD. put it in the refrigerator or freeze it until your ready to make the pot pie (this is the "butter" in the above recipe) you should have about a 1/4 cup of it or more.
eat some of your chicken roast... then wtih waht you didnt eat take all the meat you can possible get out of the chicken, tare it apart and get every ounce of (red) meat (MMM MMM) that you can out of that chicken and use it for your pot pie.
if you did this the day before, your all set to start making your pot pie.
follow the directions above to make you pot pie except that it is even simpler than described above. no need to saute the vegitables separetly.
Just heat the chicken fat in a large pot, until it starts to sizzle, then add about 1 to 2 tablespoons of flour to make your roue. (you could add more flour if you want it thick, but pot pie shouldnt really be that thick) as the flour starts to brown slowly start to add your chicken stock that you made the day before keep stiring in about half the stock and bring to a boil. Add your baked chicken scraps and bring to a boil. Add 2 cups diced potatoes, 1 cup chopped carrots, and 1 cup chopped onion, 1 to 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon peeper and about 1/2 teaspoon thyme add the rest of the chicken stock and about 1/2 cup of frozen peas... and bring to a boil quickly. As soon you've brought it to a boil your done on the stove top, DONTCOOK the veggies just heat them to a boil. pour the mixture in a baking dish and cover with pie crust or you favorite topping, bread crums work, crummbled potato chips or flat bisuits (i.e. pie crust molded into flat rounds) and place in the over at 350 degrees for about 1 hour or until the top turns brown... the whole dish should be bubbling when you pull it out. let cool for 10 minutes.
This is the recipe my Dad always made and especially with left over thanksgiving turkey, which makes it taste TWICE as good as with chicken.
There is NO way that you could get the same taste with canned chicken broth and butter.. Canned chicken broth has MSG added (yuck) and you cant duplicate the taske of chicken fat... believe me I've tried to make pot pie without and it just doenst work... IF you use all the incredients from scratch the taste is just so addictive you will never go back.
This is not a rant against this site or the above recipe, but you have to do a little work to get the most out of your food. BTW I just love this site and I am an Electrical engineer and 26 years old.
I usually add the raw flour to the pan first, shaking the pan and stirring to toast the flour. When it is a bit beige/colored I then add the butter.
By the way, roasting a chicken is easy. Just take out the neck and giblets from the cavity (save those for making broth), place in a roasting pan (or better yet, a vertical roaster with beer in the container that goes into the cavity), stick a roasting thermometer in the thigh joint, and cook at 350 until the temperature reaches 180 degrees. Most books say to cook to 170 degrees, but I've had "underdone" experiences with this and prefer to be on the safe side.
from someone who cooks
Make sure to season your chicken as you cook it--I found this to be a good way to make this dish even tastier.
Chicken, Carrots, Celery, and Onions. Chop into bite size pcs, mix together with chicken soup (undlluted), and add to a Pilsbury pie crust - topped with another pie crust (sort of flip one over and remove the metal tin. (They come in packs of two). Bake for an hour at 350.
I will add some chicken broth next time, I bet that helps a lot.
No question one of our favorites.
Dittos on the great website
If you don't like that taste, then you can just leave it out. If you find the flavor too bland, you may want to step up some other flavoring - salt, pepper, lemon juice, or something new.
I used the chicken I had roasted yesterday. When adding vegetables I included the leftover greenbeans and diced the roasted potatoes. There was even a few tablespoons of gravy from yesterday and I added that to the mix. Didn't have sherry so I used some white wine. I know there are some PotPie purists out there and my interpretation may not qualify, but it sure did taste good and solve the leftover problem!
Really enjoy your website. The recipes have worked out well for me!
I can't understand why all of the "anonymous" people that have something negative to say don't have the nerve to add their real name.
Kathy Grimm
The biscuit crust is only on top.
I read comments on Pa Dutch pot pie type of dough or filo and I would like to add to this the chicken and waffle dish, also Pa Dutch.
Just make the waffles and top with the chicken + gravy and veggies.
If you like the biscuit top you will love the waffle bottom!
It's all about the chicken and gravy. B)
Thanks again.
Sorry, I forgot to put that in. I've added the serving size. This recipe serves 6 as a full meal.
Rick in Timmins
- Turkey instead of chicken. Lots of turkey left over after Thanksgiving
- A tablespoon more butter when making the roux. I agree with other posters that the recipe as written gives too thick a roux for my tastes
- Half-and-half instead of milk. This gives a much creamier consistency to the sauce
- Homemade turkey stock instead of canned/boxed chicken stock. Using homemade stock makes the sauce *so* much more rich and mellow.
- Drop biscuits on top instead of rolled. I just like the texture of the drop biscuits better; the little peaks crunch up nicely.
For me, these changes elevate the recipe from good to excellent.
Yes, 9x13. I'll update the article now.
You can definitely use Pillsbury rolls for the top. My guess is that you may not have to adjust the cooking time or temperature.
I use potato, carrot, corn and parsley for the vegetables. Leave out the nutmeg, sherry and lemon juice. And top it with puff pastry because I'm too lazy to make my own pastry.
We have chicken pot pie at least once a week.
Thanks for such an awesome yum recipe... I'm addicted!
......I sooooo hope it s a joke!
Lang du Joue methinks goes roughly to "Tongue in Cheek"...?
For those few of you with negative comments, remember, not everyone likes the same things so perhaps you should remember what you mother hopefully taught you--if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your knowledge with others!
The last picture shows what it looked like after the egg wash was browned. It's hard to tell with the camera I was using back then...
If you are watching calories and saturated fats, I used olive oil as a base for the sauteed veggies and also cut the butter in half and made up the difference in olive oil as the base for the roux. I also used skim milk for the gravy and it all came out great and was very tasty! No one feels deprived and I cut out a lot of calories.
Yum, Yum!!!
3 chicken breast halves
Question: how much does a chicken breast half weigh where you come from? I can get them from 4-12 ounces. Yours look like they're about 6 ounces uncooked...?
Didn't have any sherry so I used whiskey, which goes well with chicken and cream.
Thanks again.
6 ounces is about right. I usually see between 5-8 ounces per half breast.
I tried the recipe, it's very good. For me the trick was not rolling the biscuit dough too thin.
Wow, I wonder how many years that picture's been showing the wrong one! I've fixed it.
or the biscuit part shouldbe done right befoe baking??
or the biscuit part shouldbe done right befoe baking??
it's a good idea - helps get max rise/fluff
It took me about 4hrs to make, but it was the best pot pie I have ever had.
In the same vein, can leftovers be frozen and reheated without losing any quality?
This recipe comes by far the closest to what I ended up making and the results were great! Oh, I also ran my final version past a family member who harks back to the Day when my grandfather's family restaurant served a chicken pot pie that folks would come back for repeatedly.
There is nothing like cooking this from scratch to get great taste.
yes it could be done ahead, cooled then frozen.
and as you suspect, the crust will not be as crisp or nice as fresh . . .
why not?
Chicken Fat Pie Crust
2.5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp mace
10 ounces frozen chicken fat
1/3 cup ice cold chicken stock
Place the flour, salt and mace into a food processor ( pick one up at the resale store) whir for about five seconds to mix.
Cut the chicken fat into little cubes. Add to the processor and whir about eight seconds. Add chicken stock, whir about five seconds.
Dump ingredients into a bowl and gather together to form a ball.
Cut the dough in half, placing each into plastic wrap and flatten. Let rest in the fridge minimum one hour.
Roll dough out between two pieces of waxed paper dusted with flour. When rolled out into disks place in fridge for a half hour.
Place one disk at the base of a deep 10' pie pan, preferably ceramic or glass, pour in your chicken mixture top and seal with remaining disk perforate with a fork and cut open steam vents. Brush with milk.
Place pie in fridge for one hour.
Set rack on lowest level, preheat oven to 425 F , bake for twenty minutes lower to 350 F for the last thirty minutes or until done.
Take out of oven, let rest then devour.
methinks you found the wrong place [g]
Anyway, we have dairy allergies, but I just used coconut milk (the pourable kind) and EarthBalance shortening instead of regular milk and butter and it still turned out fantastic!
BTW, this recipe for Chicken Pie (NOT IN A POT, for crying outloud) looks delicious & I love the format. My grandfather was an engineer.
I used white wine instead of sherry, since I don't go through sherry fast enough.
Also, I used Pillsbury Grands biscuit dough (original flavor) for the topping since NASA could use the dough I make for heat shielding (how's that for engineering??). If you split the biscuit thickness in half, you get the optimal filling:topping ratio and the round shape of the preformed biscuits makes it easy to spoon out servings. I found I only had to bake mine for 19 minutes at 400 before my crust got nice and toasty.
For chicken, I bought one of the herb-roasted birds sold in the grocery store deli. I used the dark meat as well as breast meat, about 3/4 of the bird. This was nice because I could use the rest of the meat for chicken salad and the carcass for stock.
A tip to the users who struggle with lumpy roux -- add the flour gradually, whisking all the while. It's much easier not to form lumps in the first place than to chase them around the pan to whisk them out.
Thanks for taking the time to share your recipe. It was delightful!
Thanks for the recipe! It is baking now, but the pot pie recipe tastes wonderful already!
There's a pinterest button on the left side of the screen with all the other social sharing buttons. I tried it and it seems to be able to pin the images on the page.
You're welcome! Hope it comes out to your liking!
The flour was actually part of the previous sentence. I reorganized the text a little (moved the statement about the flour down to the picture you are referring to and moved the chicken broth down to the following picture) and hopefully that will read better.
I had always assumed that one recipe of the creamed chicken would go into one recipe of the pot pie. Lesson learned!
a 9x13 pan (atypical for a 'pot pie'...) is 177 square inches
ten cups = 144.4 cubic inches - will fill a 9x13 pan to a depth of 1.23 inches - which I agree is pretty skimpy for a 'pot pie'
a 9x9 will fill to 1.77 inches depth
better still,
a 8x8 will fill to 2.25 inches - that'd be my choice.